Marriage and Family Exam 1 Ch 1-4

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SOCI 2293 Intro to Marriage and Family
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Marriage and Family 2293 Name________________________

AMC Exam #1 on Ch 1, 2, 3, 4

1. A group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage or adoption and residing together in a household is

a. the definition of family used by all sociologist

b. the definition of family used by the U.S. Census Bureau

c. the way sociologists define affiliated kin

d. the way sociologists define the traditional family

2.  Diane and Jerry are married to each other and live together with their two biological children.  This group meets the definition of

a. fictive kin                               c a nuclear family

b. affiliated kin                          d. an extended family

3. Among which of the following groups is dining together alone a more socially signficant act than sleeping together? 

a. the people of Sri Lanka      c. the Chinese

b. the Bedouin of Egypt          d. Vanatinai of the South Pacific 

4. According to anthropological research in Sri Lanka, a woman is married to a man when

a. she cooks a meal for him

b. the man says to the woman "You are my wife" three times

c. the two have sexual intercourse which each other for the first time

d. the complete an elaborate 10-day ceremony

5. The greatest current controversy regarding legal marriage is over the question of

a. same-sex marriage           c. recognition of common law marriages

b. state rights                         d. blood tests

6. The preferred mariatal arrangement world- wide is

a. polygamy                           c. bigamy

b. monogamy                       d. onogamy

7. Unrelated individuals who feel and are treated as if they were relatives comprise an individual’s

a. affiliated kin                     c. endearing family

b. clan                                  d. compadres

8. Among some Japanese Americans, the traditional family unit, the "ie", includes all of the following EXCEPT

a. grandparents                 c. yet to be born family members

b. aunts and uncles           d. godparents

9. The family in which we grow up is known as the

a. family of orientation      c. family of procreation

b. family of cohabitation   d. traditional family

10. Intimacy

a. has little influence on health

b. is a basic human need

c. is a family function which has shifted dramatically from the family

d. in generally not provided by pets

11. In China, a spirit marriage is one between

a. two religious leaders

b. two people who are not physically present at the time of the marriage

c. two affiliated kin

d. two people who are both dead

12. According to the text, many of the so-called "culture wars" over "hot-button" issues such as the status of women, divorce and gay rights may really be 

a. moral issues

b. conflicts over differing conceptions of family

c.  political issues

d. theoretical debates

13. Studying small groups or individuals in an in-depth fashion using interviews or case studies is a scientific method known as

a. quantitative research         c. secondary analysis

b. qualitative research           d. meta analysis

14. Surveys in social research

a. represent only a small source of information

b. have been proved to be ineffective

c. gather information from a small representative group of people and infer conclusions valid for a larger group

d. are a good indicator of how people interact with one another

15. Secondary data analysis

a. requires interviewing subjects more than once

b. involves analyzing information originally collected for a different purpose

c. involves the use of additional researchers to see if they get the same results

d. none of the above

16. Interviews can be advantageous compared to surveys because they

a. enable cause and effect relationships to be determined

b. minimize the effects of bias in interpretation of responses

c. permit probes of greater depth and can follow paths suggested by the interviewee

d. elicit more honest responses

17. Symbolic interaction theory/paradigm

a. examines how people interact, communicate, and are socialized

b. looks at how each individual functions within the family unit

c. examines resources and power

d. focuses on the exchange between people who love each other

18. According to ___________theory, when the emotional costs of a relationship outweigh its benefits, we are likely to end it.

a. symbolic interaction                       c. social exchange

b. structural functionalism                  d. family systems

19. Conflict theory assumes

a. differences lead to conflict                           c. conflict is normal

b. everyone in the family has some power     d. all of the above

20. The feminist perspective maintains that traditional gender roles are NOT

a. a social construction

b. creating oppressive conditions and barriers to opportunity

c. the result from biological conditions

d. created to maintain the power of men over women

21. Four important sources of power in relationships are 

a. love, money, education, age

b. love money, legitimacy, physical coercion

c.  physical strength, money, beauty, gender

d. physical coercion, education, age, status

22. Assumptions of family systems theorists include

a. families are systems that are relatively easy to change

b. families resist change, but are transformed over time

c. interactions are best studied outside the context of the family

d. the family goes through three distinct stages; marriage, birth, death

23. According to your text, studying families is valuable because

a. it helps understand one’s own family

b. effective planning and decision-making requires a broader knowledge base than personal experience provides

c. knowledge gained through studying families helps social service , medical, and legal personnel as they deal with family-related issues

d. all of the above

24. Native American families in the Colonial Era tended to share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

a. large family size          c. ceremonies and rituals marking adulthood

b. high child mortality rates          d. rare use of physical discipline

25. European colonists who came to America attempted to replicate their familiar family system, which emphasized all BUT which of the following?

a. family as an economic institution

b. romantic love as the basis of mate selection

c. subordination of women

d. family-centered reproduction

26. After industrialization

a. the family became the focus of feelings

b. adolescents were kept economically dependent

c. women began to control the frequency of intercourse

d. all of the above

27. The most crucial factor that enabled people to survive the oppression of enslavement, the difficulties of immigration, and the impoverishment induced by industrialization was

a. economic success                c. social agencies

b. the family                                d. political lobbyists

28. Companionate marriages and families

a. were based on male authority and sexual repression

b. protected children from the world

c. emphasized patriarchal decision-making

d. expected marriages to provide romance, sexual fulfillment, and emotional growth

29. An aspect of change in contemporary marriages and families is

a. dropping birth rates               c. cohabitation

b. delayed marriage                  d. all of the above

30. According to your text, one would most often find a "two person career" in

a. the upper class                      c. the lower class

b. the middle class                    d. the working class

31. This idea of _______________ speaks to the instability of lower class marriages and the absence of men from day-to-day family life..

a. the "two person career"          c. feminization of poverty

b. economic dysfunction             d. androgeny

32. The largest ethnic group in the United States is

a. Asian-Americans                    c. African-Americans

b. Latinos                                     d. Native-Americans

33. Which of the following is NOT an important influence or value in the family lives of most Latinos?

a. Catholicism                            c. independence from family ties

b. bilingualism                           d. children

34. Values that continue to be important to Asian-Americans include

a. individual comes first over family

b. self control to achieve societal goals

c. appreciation of one’s cultural heritage

d. Both B and C

e. all of the above

35. Native American extended families revolve around complex kinship networks based on

a. birth                       c. adoption

b. marriage              d. clans

36. Most European ethnic groups

a. no longer have minority status

b. are discriminated against

c. have a diminishing sense of ethnicity

d. both B and C

e. none of the above

37. Rigidly held and oversimplified beliefs that all males and females, as a result of their gender, possess distinct psychological and behavior traits are known as

a. gender roles                            c. gender-role attitude

b. gender-role stereotypes        d. gender-role behaviors

38. ______________ is (are) learned at a very young age and is (are) perhaps the deepest concept we hold of ourselves.

a. gender role                             c. gender-role behavior

b. gender identity                       d. sexual script

39. Margaret Mead's studies of the Arapesh and the Mundugumor of New Guinea revealed that

a. culture creates masculinity and femininity

b. both men and women can be competitive, aggressive , and violent

c. both women and men can be passive, cooperative, and nurturing

d. all of the above

40. In the famous "Baby X" experiments,

a. it was found that adults actually do not treat a baby any differently if they are told the baby is male than if they are told it is female.

b. adults assumed that fussing behavior was frustration rather than anger if they believed the child was a male.

c. adults assumed that fussing behavior was anger rather than frustration if they believed the child was a female.

d. adults who were not informed about the sex of the baby felt extremely uncomfortable when interacting with it.

41. If a boy hears his brother being called a "sissy" because he likes to play with a doll, he is likely to expect that he too would be similarly taunted if he played with a doll. This is an application of ______________ theory.

a. gender                       c. Conflict

b. social learning          d. Structural functional

42. Learning through imitation is known as

a. modeling                   c. manipulation

b. channeling                d. transcending

43. Classroom observations find that

a. teachers call on boys more often

b. teachers are more patient with boys during explanations.

c. intelligent girls are often devalued by boys.

d. all of the above

44. As socializing agents, children’s peers do all of the following EXCEPT

a. influence their friends through modeling

b. provide intimate relationships

c. influence their friends through approval or disapproval

d. provide a stronger influence than parents during adolescence

45. Males from which of the following groups were found in a recent study by Leon (1993) to be the most supportive of egalitarian gender roles?

a. White                        c. African-American

b. Latino                       d. Chinese

46. Stressors associated with traditional men’s roles include all of the following EXCEPT

a. lower self-esteem               c. heart disease

b. lower life expectancy         d. hypertension

47. Bipolar gender roles

a. suggest that each sex has little in common with the other

b. support the expressive/instrumental dichotomy

c. reflect our gender-role stereotypes

d. suggest all of the above

48. When it comes to gender differences, our culture has taught us to

a. minimize their degree and significance

b. exaggerate their degree and significance

c. pretend they don’t exist

d. try to eliminate them

49. In the story we read about the Yanomami family, we found that

a. the divorced woman supports herself

b. grandparents take an active role with the grandchildren

c. they are very strict about cleanliness and bathe daily with soap and water

d. the mother-in-law and son-in-law have a close relationship

50. The story about the Dobu marriage suggests that

a. premarital sex is taboo

b. if a woman and a man have sexual relations, they are considered married

c. when the male stays through the night, the future mother in law stands in the doorway barring him from leaving and the couple is now engaged

d. all of the above
